DMLM metal machines from Concept Laser use lasers to melt layers of fine metal powder and create complex geometries with incredible precision directly from a CAD file. The machine portfolio varies from small to large build envelopes.
Machine types for every application
Field of application from Rapid Prototyping up to integration in the production environment
Build space from small (90 x 90 x 80mm3) to large (800 x 400 x 500 mm3)
Multi-laser solutions with laser power of 100W to 1kW
Supreme Quality in Mechanical Engineering
Innovative Quality Monitoring Systems Safety and ease of use as top priority
Machine design in accordance to ATEX directives
Spatial separation of process and handling chamber
Ideal for economical series production on an industrial scale. Build volume: 500x500x400mm Laser Power: 4 x 400W or 4x 1 kW click to download product sheet
Designed for manufacturing components with elaborate structures. Build volume: 90x90x80mm or 100x100x80mm Laser Power: 1 x 100W or 1x200W
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